Hadap2an | Pop-up Performance in Public Space
Sabtu 18 Januari 2020 | 15:00WIB
Langgeng Art Foundation
Jl. Suryodiningratan No.37
Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron
Kota Yogyakarta
Anna Thu Schmidt
Supported by and in collaboration with @kalanaritheatre Kalanari Theatre Movement
(Dinu) 0852 4303 5906
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Gatot Sunantoro
Ajeng Ochan
Gandez Imroatus Sholeekah
Mailani Sumelang
Endang Setyaningsih
Rizka Yuana Putri
Assabti Nur Hudan Ma'rufi .
The performance thematizes the phenomena of redefining relationships and its quality in the encounter with the known and unknown. In the renegotiation between people and places, the gallery space serves as a meeting point between individuals in the context of an art exhibition. Short contemporary dance duets and group improvisations can be seen as interventions in the public space that challenge the audience roles.
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